Thursday, May 9, 2019


Democratic presidential candidate Bob "Fleeing The Scene" O'Rourke writes off Iowa.

Former Texas congressman and 2020 Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke is facing heat from Iowans, who accused him of not eating a signature local "breakfast pizza" he said he was snacking on while on social media.
Casey's General Store, a gas station and convenience store chain in the state, is a favorite among locals for its "breakfast pizza," which has scrambled eggs and is served with cheese sauce or sausage gravy. 

"We're eating some breakfast pizza right now," O'Rourke told his Instagram followers in a video of himself eating pizza on the road.

Barstool Sports' Trent Ryan accused O'Rourke of "pretending" to be eating a slice of breakfast pizza, pointing out how what he was consuming had marinara sauce, which doesn't come on the iconic pie.

"What a fraud. How can we trust anything he says after something like this? Did he seriously think Iowans weren’t going to realize that?" Ryan wrote. "That’s the part that makes me the most mad. He made that video thinking he could sneak a regular a-- piece of pizza by us brainless flyover hicks and we’d just smile and give him our vote for president.

Well think again you Texas f---. We caught it and you just lost Iowa’s vote with that embarrassing pizza charade. Get out of our state and never come back."

Dave Burge has a recommendation for Bob-Bob-Bobbin-Along on how to repair the damage.

For instance Iowa is proud of its corn, so you should always wear a red sweatshirt that says "CORNHUSKERS" at all your Iowa campaign events to let the locals know how much you love their delicious Iowa corn.

Unless you live in the Midwest, you have no conception how great that tweet is.

DAMN, Bobby.  What is the matter with you?  This is exactly the sort of stupid, cultural own goal that Flyover Country REALLY hates.  I mean, if you want St. Louis to vote for you, don't post a photo of you eating an Oscar Mayer hot dog and tell me it's a pork steak.


  1. Iowahawk is still the best.

    I don't think O'Rourke is going anywhere in the primaries, although it's hard to tell, at this point, what Democrats will do, given their propensity to believe whatever garbage stories the news media feed them.

  2. What I am hoping for is that the number of Dems seeking attention will help diminish Dem dark money thru attrition. The idea of rich liberals wasting cash has a lot of appeal.

  3. Cornhuskers! Oh that wily Dave Burge.

    If anyone's interested, the original article is here. It has a picture of what the real breakfast pizza looks like. They're right. Beto wasn't eating breakfast pizza.

  4. That breakfast pizza looks good! Eggs, bacon, and cheese. Yum!

  5. Katherine, When we go up to Maine, a place called The Acton Trading Post makes breakfast pizza,and has done so for at least 25 years. Theirs has the pizza dough crust with a filling of scrambled egg, onion, pepper, & sausage. Kind of like a western omelet on pizza crust. Pretty tasty.

  6. TLM? I'm going to try as hard as I can to swing up that way. GOOD LORD, that sounds incredible.

  7. Well, if you can manage it, we have a small camp about a mile down the road where you can stay.
