Thursday, May 9, 2019


When you drive your opponents this bat-crap.

A liberal college student was arrested for assaulting a representative of the pro-life group Created Equal after she attacked him at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - and it was all caught on camera.

Jillian Ward, 19, a pro-choice feminist and aspiring journalist, said she was triggered by graphic photographs depicting aborted children put up by Created Equal. The group uses the images to show "the gruesome reality of abortion and to engage students in conversation about this human injustice."
Ward approached the group's display on April 2, asking them, "Did y’all put these up?”

When Austin Beigel confirmed that he did, she raced toward him with fists flying. Beigel was allegedly punched in the face a number of times and was also hit in the stomach.

“F***ing terrible person,” Ward screamed. “You’re a terrible person. You — this is not okay. This is not okay. This is not okay. Shut the f**k up right now. This is wrong. This is triggering. You’re not an innocent human being. You’re a terrible person.”

UNC campus police arrested Ward and she is expected to make a court appearance in June.

No, not too psychotic.

I don't know what this whack job is eventually going to be charged with.  Ideally, she should be convicted of felonious assault, receive whatever period of probation the court deems appropriate and then spend the rest of her life having to explain her felony conviction to prospective employers or to the general public if she should actually happen to find a journalism job.


  1. The good news is that she was arrested, and faces a court appearance early next month. In other good news, the UNC system has instituted free speech protections.

  2. I'm not sure why she "allegedly" punched him, when it's all on tape, but that's the way we roll here in the US justice system.

    The actual video, showing the attack, and the mealy-mouthed campus police reaction is here.

    I think she should have been hauled off in cuffs, but maybe that's just me.

  3. A discussion of the "free speech protections" is here. Naturally, this being an academic blog, the article is pretty slanted, but they do cite several paragraphs of the actual North Carolina Restore Campus Free Speech Act, passed earlier in the year by the state legislature.

  4. Not felonious assault. Common assault. Other charges which might be applicable would be disorderly conduct and, perhaps, harassment. (Though I think in New York the latter requires repeated contacts).

    The appropriate penalty would be suspension for a semester by order of the dean of students (fat chance, given the sort who land student affairs jobs at places like Chapel Hill) and a day or two in jail by order of a local JP. It's cases like this which make you regret that the birch, the cane, and the pillory-and-stocks are no longer used in this country. Of course, she'll receive no significant punishment.

    Supposedly, she listed herself as a 'feminist' and 'mental health advocate' on her Facebook page. I betcha her mother and father (and their insurers) have sprung for long hours of counseling and therapy for her in the past. Mental health tradesmen are adept at generating iatrogenic problems (if nothing else).

  5. You're referring to the remarks of campus security at the beginning? I'm not seeing why they're objectionable.

  6. A "mental health advocate" who hauls off and beats somebody because she doesn't like what he says needs a mental health check-up.

  7. Art? Got to go with felonious assault here although that might be a tough sell to a jury. I don't see what good locking this loon up for five years or so will do. I do think that her finding a job other than a Burger King drive-up window person or a Starbucks barista since no serious "American journalism" operation anywhere is going to hire somebody who goes insane at any perceived "provocation" would be a better option.

    Might turn her into a serial killer though. :-)
