Saturday, May 11, 2019


Lots and lots and lots of us have believed and proclaimed this very idea for most of our lives.  So it's great to know that you and Mike Pence are finally on the same page.

UPDATE: Lyssie will walk this back any day now.

UPDATE: Told you.


  1. Dumb bunny. No sex, no babies. I grew up before Roe v. Wade and before the Pill was widely available. It made girls and women think twice before having sex. It worked.

  2. Katherine, Exactly. We've always had the ability to not have babies, simply by not having sex. I have to laugh, though. Bette Midler has announced she's joining the #SexStrike. Really Bette?

    And, of course, most of the "wimmin" that jump on this bandwagon were probably not having sex with men anyway. I'll take "Pointless Gesture" for $100, Alex.
