Tuesday, May 28, 2019


To be perfectly honest with you, this feels a lot like pre-Civil War Virginia, say, announcing that it was down to its last slave market.

By the end of this week, it will likely be impossible to get a legal abortion in Missouri. The state's last remaining abortion clinic warned that its license to provide abortions expires Friday, and Planned Parenthood says the state is "refusing to renew" it. If indeed Missouri's health department fails to renew the annual license, the clinic will no longer be able to provide abortion services, though it will continue providing other women's health services, CBS News reports. Planned Parenthood is suing for a restraining order in an attempt to prevent the state from blocking abortion services, and a circuit court judge will hear arguments Wednesday.


  1. Let's see exactly how many "other women's health services" they actually continue to provide, going forward. As has been demonstrated in the past, PP only provides any testing that is in conjunction with preparation for having an abortion.

  2. Meanwhile, in other late-breaking news, Boston "Glob" columnist Devra First has started an internet "food war" by disparaging St. Louis' local foods. Stupid, stupid. More here. If you hit a paywall, I have the entire article saved in an email.

    I hope Devra never travels to Rhode Island. She'd hate the local foods there, too.

    As a side note, I happen to know the first commenter, Casey J. Morris. He's a member of the Vestry at Holy Nativity, and a Lector.

  3. No worries. This sort of thing always comes up in sports championships. And she's actually mostly right. We've got the Northeast dead-to-rights on the 'cue and, except for catfish, it's always a good idea to avoid Midwestern seafood dishes. I've never been a big toasted ravioli man myself and I can't remember the last time I had a pork steak.

  4. Congrats on the Blues winning game 2 of the series.

  5. Yeah, that's something they've never accomplished before. We're playing with the house's money now. :-)

  6. A judge here bought Murder Inc. some more time.
