Wednesday, June 26, 2019


CNN won't even pretend anymore.

It's hard today not to marvel at the casual cruelty of the Plessy decision. How could the court accept the transparent lie that blacks lived in separate but equal worlds with whites? And how could they give Constitutional sanction to a blatant display of racism?

You don't have to study history to answer those questions. Watch what happens this week when the US Supreme Court issues its decision on whether the Trump administration can add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census, some legal scholars and historians say.

"If they accept the census question, they are following the same pattern that the late-19th-century and 20th-century court made that was clearly intended to cement white rule," says Lawrence Goldstone, author of "Inherently Unequal: The Betrayal of Equal Rights by the Supreme Court, 1865-1903."


  1. This CNN piece forgets to note that the architects of the Jim Crow laws, which the Plessy opinion erroneously endorsed, were Democrats. So were the people under the white robes and hoods in the included photos.

    Last I checked, my African-American neighbors are citizens, just like me. So are my naturalized immigrant neighbors from east Asia, and so is my naturalized immigrant sister-in-law. So are the millions of Americans with Hispanic surnames who are here legally or whose ancestors came here legally. No one who is a citizen or has a legal residence visa needs to fear the Census question. Comparing this to previous Democrat discriminatory policy and treatment is offensive and ignorant.

  2. Katherine, It is also insulting to those that came here legally. I, too, have a naturalized citizen for an in-law and we are very proud of her.
