Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Never EVER go full Nazi.

The Illinois state senate, dominated by Democratic lawmakers, is prepared to pass the radical Reproductive Health Act (RHA), establishing abortion as a “fundamental right” and rolling back state-level restrictions on the procedure. On Tuesday, the bill passed the Illinois house on a 64–50 vote.

The RHA repeals the state’s ban on medically unnecessary partial-birth-abortion procedures (which also are banned under federal law) and mandates that all health-insurance companies cover abortion procedures, at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason. It also repeals the state’s Abortion Performance Refusal Act, which protects doctors and hospitals with moral objections to performing or participating in abortions. The RHA offers no religious or conscience-based exemptions for any such individuals or institutions.

Oh and that, "that's a human being in there" crap?  Not until we want it to be it's not.

Perhaps most disturbing of all, the RHA goes so far as to explicitly dehumanize unborn human beings in the quest to equate the right to kill the unborn with the right to make personal health-care choices, asserting that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State.” This language, more than anything else in the legislation, exposes the depraved final goal of the abortion-rights movement.

Fat Boy's going to sign it.

Democratic governor J. B. Pritzker said in a statement after the bill passed the House on Tuesday that he will sign the legislation. “With reproductive healthcare under attack across the country, we must do everything in our power to protect women’s rights in Illinois,” Pritzker said. “Today was a major step forward for every woman in this state and I look forward continuing my work as an ally by signing the Reproductive Healthcare Act into law.”

I'm sure you do, lardass.


  1. Back in the day, I remember learning about "inalienable rights" that came from God. I don't remember any right to crush a newborn's skull being part of that.

  2. I had been out of state for a few days when this bill passed... when I heard about it, I was livid. When we crossed the border on the way home my first instinct was to spit on the ground, rather than kiss it. I would love to move but at age 55 I think it might be too late to change jobs so I'll just have to wait until I retire I guess.
