Tuesday, June 25, 2019


There's not a leftist issue in the world that Dances-with-Ethnicity won't back.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Fake Indian-Mass.), a top tier 2020 candidate, on Tuesday joined fellow candidate Julián Castro in a call to decriminalize illegal border crossings.

Warren has yet to release a comprehensive immigration reform plan, but confirmed in a statement to HuffPost that she agrees with Castro, a former Housing and Urban Development Secretary.

“We should not be criminalizing mamas and babies trying to flee violence at home or trying to build a better future. We must pass comprehensive immigration reform that is in line with our values, creates a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants including our DREAMers, and protects our borders," Warren said in a statement to HuffPost.

Content edited slightly.


  1. Since when is Liarwatha a "top-tier" candidate? She'e running at about 4% of the vote in most of the polls.

  2. Franky, being familiar with the very harsh weather in the American Southwest at this time of year, I think those "mamas" who try to cross with children should be arrested and tried for child abuse.
