Sunday, June 16, 2019


You're famous for being famous.  You've personally made millions and millions of dollars merely for appearing on a reality television program with your mom and your sisters and you have paparazzi in the hundreds fighting for the chance to photograph you wherever you go.  But if one day you suddenly decide to take whatever blessings you've received and whatever societal influence you have and do something genuinely meaningful with them, I can only applaud you.

President Trump and reality TV star Kim Kardashian West announced programs aimed at helping former prisoners become gainfully employed.

At an event in the East Room of the White House on Thursday afternoon, the president said his administration was taking steps to encourage businesses to hire former inmates.

“The unemployment rate for former inmates is up to five times higher than the national average. My administration has set an ambitious goal: We want to cut the unemployment rate for these individuals to single digits within five years. And we think there’s a really good chance of doing it,” said Trump.

At the event, Kardashian West announced the creation of a rideshare partnership aimed at helping former inmates afford transportation to and from job interviews and places of employment.

“I’m so happy to announce today that we have a rideshare partnership where formerly incarcerated people will be gifted gift cards so that they can get rides to and from job interviews, to and from jobs, family members, and that is so important — so needed,” she explained.

“I think the ultimate goal is everyone wants the community to be safe. And the more opportunity that we have and that they have, and the support that we help give them, the safer everyone will be.”

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