Wednesday, June 5, 2019


LORD?  If this story turns out to be legitimate, You can go ahead and send in that giant meteor/asteroid to smash into and completely destroy the Earth whenever the mood strikes You.  Because You know that I don't have a dog in this hunt anymore.

A disturbing video has surfaced on social media over the weekend that depicts two men wearing white lab coats playing with what appears to be aborted babies

The two men, whose faces cannot be seen in the video, each pick up a body and begin to make them “dance” together as if they were dolls.

“It is obvious these babies’ bodies are not models or dolls,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This kind of sick gallows humor is revolting to most people and shows a gross disregard for human life.”

Once the bodies are tossed back into a metal pan, evidence that these are actually aborted babies becomes apparent.


  1. IIRC, someone commented years ago, either on your old site, or over at Stand Firm, regarding the early days after Roe was passed. The gist was, originally abortions were supposed to be done in hospitals. I guess if you found out you were pregnant, you were supposed to go to your GP or your OB-Gyn, and he or she would do the abortion.

    Well, it didn't take long before hospitals realized that most of their staff didn't want to do abortions (they knew exactly what it entailed.) There would always be one or two on the staff that would, and eventually they did all the abortions. Soon they set up clinics that specialized only in abortions, and from there we got PP specializing in abortions.

    So, yeah. These people aren't like the rest of us. I don't even think morticians behave this badly.

  2. To compare morticians with abortionists is a terrible idea. Morticians at least understand mourning & the eternal. Abortionists are without soul.

  3. ur, I have known some morticians to make "black humour" jokes and to be quite irreverent about the dead when they are "off duty." You are correct about their souls, though.

  4. Any confirmation the video is as advertised? Naturally I'm disposed to believe it entirely, but I gotta verify.
