Monday, July 29, 2019


Here's the deal, Joe.  Ever hear the one about going to the well once too often?  You know, where you keep pushing your "argument" well past its sell-by date?

I've got news for you, Joe.  The eight years of the previous administration taught us that the "racist" blast is the left's default argument and pretty much all the left has.  We learned that the moment you disagreed with an African-American president about anything, out it came.

Who cleans your sheets, Klansman? 

You could set your watches by it.  And it's why the charge doesn't scare serious people anymore, Joe.  Because if just about everything is "racist," then nothing is "racist."

And we're back to square one.

So kiss off, Joe.


  1. Street-level Democrats (the majority of whom want the President impeached because reasons) are just as bad. (I learn that from looking at the nonsense spewed by hyperopinionated people on Facebook. If I'm to go by our circle of friends, about 90% of such people are partisan Democrats and another 5% are arrogant Paulbots; screw 'em). I am so done with these people. It's like the Democratic Party is a collecting pool of every asshole in America.

  2. Well, the left also has "sexist", "homophobe", and "Russia."
