Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Charlie Kirk gives up on Illinois.

As a person who makes his living in the political world, a big part of what I try to do is separate my emotions from rational thought in hopes of being able to see the world as clear-eyed as possible. So, it is with much sadness, but after considerable rational analysis, that I have decided to say goodbye to the state of Illinois, the place that from this point on will have the qualifier of being my "childhood home." I have officially made the move to Florida.
Like many other young people who are statistically likely to have their best earning years ahead of them, this decision will help me avoid the high taxes, excessive regulation and the corruption of Illinois politicians and government.
Mike Madigan's morbidly-obese sock puppet slash governor could not be reached for comment.

1 comment:

  1. If he owned property, he was wise to get out while he could without losing a lot of money on it.
