Sunday, July 14, 2019


Whose fault is that, Jon?  GamGam's or the people who neglected to remind the old woman that Wisconsin is an actual American state and has been for quite some time?

Democrats working out their problems among themselves, circa 2008.


  1. Actually, his discrete comment is sensible.

    You tangle with partisan Democrats in fora like this and you realize they have zero interest in actual policy (except, perhaps, as a reflex reaction to whatever Republicans are putting forward or perhaps as some element in a historical narrative of the Triumph of Progress). It's all about scrounging up some way to declare the current incumbent illegitimate and properly deposed. That extends to his salient appointments (e.g. Brett Kavanaugh). That, in turn, is an extension of the assumption of partisan Democrats that they have no legitimate opposition anywhere.

  2. The key problem this guy has is thinking that Democrats today can work out their problems "like adults." The adults seems to have left the party.

  3. I think Favs is the one on the left but I'm not sure.
