Thursday, July 18, 2019


Remember the time when Murder, Inc. tried to pass itself off as being devoted to all aspects of women's health and not just to that one really minor medical procedure?

Neither does anyone else.

Planned Parenthood’s board has fired the organization’s president, Leana Wen, after less than a year on the job. According to reports, Wen was dismissed because the board deemed her insufficiently dedicated to expanding Planned Parenthood’s political advocacy, particularly on abortion.

The news comes as a shock for a few reasons. For one thing, Wen was appointed just last fall to replace Cecile Richards, who resigned on good terms after leading the institution for twelve years.

But it’s surprising, too, if Wen’s ouster was due to her reluctance to focus more on politics than on public health, as several reports suggest was the case. In June, after all, Planned Parenthood announced a six-figure ad campaign, “Bans Off My Body,” to oppose recent state laws regulating abortion. Judging from Wen’s Twitter account, she was perfectly comfortable promoting what the group frequently calls “reproductive rights.”

UPDATE: I'm starting to see why Murder Inc. made this move.


  1. She was fired because PP has been losing in public opinion as well as having seen a string of political and judicial setbacks.

  2. Yes, and because she wanted to talk about actual health care sometimes, and because, reportedly, she didn't use sufficiently trangender-supportive language.

  3. Could somebody please explain to me the correlation between planning parenthood & surgically altering sex organs?

    [scratches head]

  4. Government under the default settings of our rancid political class meddles a great deal but doesn't protect us very much. A government that did protect us would have declared Planned Parenthood a criminal racket, jailed its trustees, management, and professional employees, and impounded its property in civil forfeiture proceedings.
