Wednesday, July 17, 2019


You, of all people, can go ahead and rip the whole thing off the wall.  It's an easy fix.


  1. What's your problem with this lady? I wish her well. I am sad remembering my friend who finished an extremely rigorous round of chemo and radiation for lung cancer just before Christmas. One month later, they found tumors in her brain. Last month, she died. May this woman live long and be happy.

  2. Katherine, I've got no problem at all with this lady. Beat cancer and as far as I'm concerned, you can do anything you want.

    Been there. Technically. Although I don't rank beating prostate cancer anywhere near beating breast cancer. Which one of my best friends did once.

    But didn't do the second time.

  3. Without any irony, more people die from prostate cancer than breast cancer.

  4. That may be. But I can't make myself consider spending a week with a Foley catheter in me equal to my friend's radiation/chemo/losing her hair routine she endured the first time around.
