Tuesday, July 2, 2019


If you ever get a chance to see one of these, take it.  If you're not already there, get yourself into the zone of totality wherever you have to go.  The show doesn't last that long but it is one of the most impressive things you will ever witness.

I lived in the zone of totality during the last one.  It started a little after 1:30 in the afternoon on a bright, sunny day.  I didn't try to get a picture of the eclipse itself since I didn't have a good enough camera or the photographic chops to get a good shot even if I had one.

But once the show started, it only took a couple of minutes to turn a sunny afternoon into night.  Literally.  The streetlights all came on and I could actually feel the temperature drop as well.  A few minutes later, it was a bright, sunny Missouri afternoon again.

If I ever get a chance to see another one, I'm there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ....aaaaand this is why the whole "climate change" thing is bass ackwards. The sun's heat sustains all life on the planet. We have much more to fear from an ice age, than from warming.

    PS, I've seen total eclipses a couple of times. Very impressive.
