Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I'm neither liberal nor Democrat and God willing, I never will be either one so the lib/Dems can take this any way they want.  But it just doesn't seem a very wise 2020 election strategy to insult the people who grow your food, as the lib-Dems seem determined to do.

Implicit and explicit contempt for them is also pretty stupid.  Shut up and vote for us, racists??

Kiss off.


  1. The ticky-tacky strip mall architecture is found absolutely every place constructed after 1945. Rural Southerners didn't dream this up, tasteless real estate developers did (and it's a reasonable wager few of them live in rural areas).

  2. One of these shmucks is employed by an affiliate of the Democratic Party and the other works at Vox. Both of them made grossly misleading statements which were close to flat-out lies. This is the 3d echelon Democratic Party brain trust talking.

  3. 1. What qualifies this clown to comment on land use?

    2. What on earth does tick-tacky strip mall architecture (that I find everywhere) got to do with anything?

    3. He figured out the local economy by looking out a car window?

  4. I happen to like shopping in those " ticky-tacky" strip malls, because that's where you go for so many everyday services ...the dry cleaner, the hardware store, the hairdresser, the sub shop, etc, etc. Real people work in those stores and provide real services to other real people.
