Friday, August 16, 2019


Congressman Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter and damn near died.

As a woman of colour who wears a headscarf, I am more wary than ever of life in America. Since Minnesota representative Ilhan Omar was elected to congress last year, Trump has been making racist attacks and inciting violence against her at every opportunity.

I have watched the president of the United States, the man in charge of the most powerful nation on earth, tell Americans like me to return to the “crime infested places” from which we came. I have watched him insinuate a Muslim American woman is in some way responsible for 9/11. It is little surprise that, following the infamous chants of “send her back” at a North Carolina Trump rally, security protecting Omar had to be stepped up. This is violent white supremacy in action.

So kiss the hell off, moron.

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