Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I don't know what worries me more about this.  The fact that an allegedly-sentient human being thought these words up and posted them in a public place or the fact that slightly over 4,000 people agreed with them.


  1. She's 25 years old, either a lesbian or someone who doesn't care if she's mistaken for one, and an 'activist' of 10 years standing. No word how she earns a living.

    She has the vibe of someone who has never given a moment of thought about how one produces and exchanges goods and services on a mundane basis, and how all that she sees around her is due to the efforts of people who have skills she does not have. Always thinking, not very competently, about 'society' (and designated villains) but not about the household and the world with which it interacts. (The few comments on the Facebook page the Communist Party of Canada set up to promote her candidacy sliced her up, btw, especially for her defense of the Maduro-Chavez regime).

    She isn't a serious person. When you can land a handsome salary as an academic, you can be like Howard Zinn and be unserious all your life, because there's nothing forcing seriousness upon you. (I seem to recall Zinn was supposed to have lived in an unusually handsome house, not far from where Noam Chomsky and the parents of Matt Damon lived).

  2. She's a Communist candidate for office in Ontario, Canada. Her lack of historical knowledge mirrors that of AOC, who thinks young people have never before hit the streets in support of causes. Having been born after the 1960s, she thinks they never happened.

    Communists. They'll love you to death.

  3. She's a candidate for the Communist Party in Canada. Here's two of the things she supports: "This election the Communist Party will do everything in its power, inside and outside parliament, to get the Canadian government to leave Venezuela alone.

    We will also do everything in our power to enact boycott, divestment, and sanctions against apartheid Israel."

    She's being ripped in the comments, but I don't think she cares.

  4. An interesting if recently coined Chinese pejorative found on Chinese chat channels and social media: "baizuo" "a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority" I find it apropos, unfortunately almost universally.

  5. Reporting on Twitter is that this is a post-operative trans woman who has other mental issues as well.
