Friday, August 2, 2019


How do you know when your religion has given up?  When you think this is a good idea.

A crazy golf course has been installed in a Church of England cathedral at Rochester in Kent to help build bridges with young people. 

Although worship services will continue as normal, the medieval nave has been transformed by a green and various bridges which visitors can send their golf balls through while being inspired by the architecture. 

The Revd. Rachel Phillips, Canon for Mission and Growth at Rochester Cathedral, said: “For over 1,400 years, Rochester Cathedral has been a centre of learning for the community. By temporarily installing an educational adventure golf course we aim to continue that mission, giving people the opportunity to learn while they take part in a fun activity, inz````` what for many might be a previously un-visited building. 

She said the course forms the centrepiece of a ‘Building Bridges’ theme running through the summer. 

“As well as the physical bridge which has stood over the River Medway since Roman times,” she explained. “The invisible but equally historic links between the Cathedral and the surrounding community are also bridges of a kind; we hope that, while playing adventure golf, visitors will reflect on the bridges that need to be built in their own lives and in our world today.”


  1. Yes. Saw this several days ago at the Facebook group, "Tacky Vestments." It's called "Adventure Golf at the Cathedral" and it's a miniature golf course. The folks over at "Tacky" didn't think much of it.

  2. Further proof that the CofE is very sick.

  3. Katherine,

    If you're on Facebook, you'd like the Tacky Vestments group. Very snarky.
