Thursday, August 15, 2019


If you visit the Southeastern United States to watch Auburn's football team rip Missouri's Tigers into a million pieces in the SEC title game (assuming that ever happens again in any of our lifetimes; not saying it couldn't or won't but you know...), you might want to avoid listing "Confederate States of America" as your travel destination.

UPDATE: Case in point.  What should ISRAEL have done?

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Tlaib wrote to Israeli authorities for permission to visit her grandmother in the West Bank, and this was granted. They say she promised to behave. We'll see.

    Having just a smidgen of knowledge of Arabic, I note that Tlaib's name has the same three-letter root, t-l-b, as "taliban," and I'm guessing the root means "student." I have heard it pronounced "talib." (I am not meaning to imply her family name makes her part of the Afghan Taliban.)
