Saturday, August 3, 2019


Would you like to guarantee your reelection?  Pull the US out of this ridiculous organization.  Send it packing and use Turtle Bay for something worthwhile.  A synagogue/yeshiva.  A turtle habitat.  A shopping mall.  A parking lot.  Hell, pretty much anything.

The United Nations economic and social council recently singled out Israel for violating women’s rights by a vote of 40–2 with nine abstentions and three countries absent.

The resolution criticized Israel for posing a “major obstacle” for Palestinian women “with regard to their advancement, self-reliance, and integration in the development of their society,” UN Watch reported.

The Council then resolved Israel should address these issues by complying with the 1994 agreement signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): fully opening Palestinian access to border crossings in the Gaza Strip, as well as restoring and replacing “civilian property, vital infrastructure, agricultural lands and government institutions that have been damaged or destroyed due to its military operations,” according to a UN press release.


  1. 1. Israel won the Six-Day War. Get over it, UN.

    2. How exactly will allowing Palestinians roam across the border and establish communities within the Gaza strip do anything for women's rights? They are still socially and politically oppressed under Sharia Law. (They don't currently use Sharia officially, but Palestine has a modified version of Sharia is moving ever closer towards full-on Sharia.)

  2. You're using logic, TLM. Not allowed in the Islamist-controlled UN.

  3. The yes votes included Andorra, Armenia, White Russia, France, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, the Russian Federation, and Uruguay.

    You want an indicator that the diplomatic services of occidental countries are a clown car, this is it.
