Thursday, August 8, 2019


You're a member of the Episcopal Organization.  Either convert to Christianity or shut up.


  1. The one thing that might make Booty-gig's candidacy credible is the one thing that would make just about any pol's presidential candidacy credible: the Democratic Party nominated Barack Obama, and the electorate bought it. Fifteen years ago, it would have looked absurd for the mayor of a 4th tier city with a big meh business-as-usual performance record in office to run for president. Now it doesn't, thanks to David Plouffe and other Obama marketers.

    The current system of nominating presidential candidates had acquired the properties it has now by 1980. In the last 40 years, there's never been a nomination contest with more than five competitive candidates, nor any with fewer than two bar those situations where an uncontested incumbent was running for re-election.

    Cycle back to July 2015, none of the candidates then scoring less than 3% (taking the median of a bevy of polls) turned out to be competitive when people actually had to vote, and some of those who exceeded that threshhold then (Jeb!, Dr. Carson, and Scott Walker) imploded between the summer of 2015 and the late winter of 2016.

    With that in mind, it's a reasonable wager that only Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Booty-gig (or a smaller set drawn from that menu) will prove competitive. Pretty depressing.

  2. Buttigieg is an intolerant, sanctimonious jerk.
