Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Said it a couple posts down and I guess I'll have to keep on saying it.  If I decide that I want to murder a lot of innocent people only I can't get my hands on a gun, never mind any ammo for it, I'll still figure out a way to get the job done.

Americans are resourceful that way.

See Oklahoma City.


  1. I don't know how Washington voters can stand having sent this blithering idiot to the Senate. Some people with mental illnesses are dangerous, Senator. Guns are dangerous if mishandled, or if handled by people who are dangerous.

    I have a couple of questions about the recent shootings (CA, TX, OH). Were any of the shooters on drugs? This would include illegal drugs, medications for depression, or marijuana, all of which can send some people into violent states of mind.

    Second question: I have read reports that El Paso police arrived six minutes after the shooting began, and also that the shooting continued for a total of twenty minutes. Is this accurate? I hope it's not the case that police were waiting to stage a SWAT entrance into the Wal Mart while people were being shot dead inside.

  2. You ever notice how Democrats who indubitably score about 3/4 of a standard deviation lower than Dan Quayle on IQ tests get good press?

  3. Stop me if you've heard this one, "You can never create enough laws to stop evil. Evil doesn't obey laws."

  4. Just today in the news there's a report about a man in Orange County, California, who killed four random people with a knife. Are we going to follow London and ban knives and screwdrivers and scissors?
