Friday, August 23, 2019


Alexandria OhLord-ShesAnIdiot wants to abolish the Electoral College.  Walk in the park.  It's a ridiculously easy, three-step process.

1. Write a constitutional amendment abolishing the Electoral College.

2. Convince 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate to agree.

3.  Convince 3/4 of the states to agree.

And boom goes the dynamite.  Or have New York City public schools (and Boston University, for that matter) become so crappy that they don't teach American government anymore?

Only way it can be done, High School.  So quit bitching and get your skinny ass down to work.


  1. "skinny ass", naw. The young lady is rather well endowed. Everywhere, that is, except between the ears.

  2. Maybe Alexandria Occasional-Cortex needs to read this article from Slate, written back when the Democrats were terrified that Mitt Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College.

  3. Slate should read it as well. These people just won't get their story straight.
