Saturday, August 10, 2019


Back in the day, Vince Foster "committed suicide" too.

But you go ahead and do you, Scarbs.


  1. Seriously? Allegations surface that Bill Clinton held a private party on Epstein's island, and Epstein is found dead in his cell. And Joe Scarborough blames -- Russians! He's insane. And by the way, he throws out a line about Harvard professors as well. He may hear from Dershowitz. He won't like Dershowitz when he's angry.

    I hate to join the tinfoil hat brigade, but at the least this jail did a very poor job of watching a prisoner on suicide watch.

  2. The latest news (NBC) is that he was no longer on suicide watch. Really? After an attempt just a couple of weeks ago? Incompetence or a payoff?

  3. Follow the money. All guards should be carefully scrutinized.

  4. The Daily Mail now reports that Attorney General Barr has ordered both the FBI and the DOJ's Inspector General to investigate this death.

  5. Vincent Foster committed suicide. His death was investigated by the U.S. Park Police, the FBI, Robert Fiske's staff, and Kenneth Starr's staff. His family and his hometown doctor knew of the state he was in and he'd been prescribed anti-depressants. No clue why the Clintons would have wanted him dead.

    See Gary Aldrich's account of his dealings with Foster. The man was a very different animal than the cavalcade of louts the Clintons brought in with him (and, unlike most others, he co-operated with his FBI background check; the Clintons allowed the staff to blow the FBI off; Aldrich maintains it was because the Clinton crew was chock-a-block with drug users and tax scofflaws). A passable hypothesis in re Foster is that he was a fairly meticulous man deeply concerned with his reputation and he realized that he'd foolishly put himself into a position where he was taking orders from people of low character who tended to compromise those around them.

  6. I accept Ken Starr's finding that Foster committed suicide. Hillary, according to several reports, had railed at him in a meeting, humiliating him, and he was already seriously depressed. Some believe his body was moved after death, and that's where the conspiracy theories come from, that and the fact that Hillary's aides were seen rummaging through Foster's office before, or soon after, the body was found in the park, probably looking to remove anything embarrassing to Hillary. The Arkancide theory is fed by several convenient deaths of people whose speech or testimony might have been embarrassing or legally threatening to the Clintons.

    In the Epstein case, evidence is needed. It's the immediate outcry of "Russians!" and "Trump!" from the left that makes no sense. Trump had no known involvement in Epstein's alleged crimes, and why would Russians care at all? Bill Clinton was reported to have hung around with Epstein after his presidency, so the queries about him, while without evidence at this point, at least make some degree of sense.

  7. Hillary's aides were seen rummaging through Foster's office before, or soon after, the body was found in the park, probably looking to remove anything embarrassing to Hillary

    The Rose firm (of which Foster and Webster Hubbell were partners) was one of the dramatis personae in the Whitewater caper. Some of the Rose firm's billing records were found years later secreted in the residential quarters of the White House. The FBI found only HRC's fingerprints on them. I'm betting potential liability from Whitewater was one thing weighing on him.

    The portraits of Foster I've read present him as a highly conscientious and tempermentally melancholic man suffering from some degree from the 'imposter syndrome'. No clue why such a person would agree to work for the Clintons in Washington. You'd think the fee income in MidLaw would be better than what you'd earn as a salaried employee of the White House and you'd figure that someone with a regard for appearances would experience a sense of relief that a pair of sleazeballs like the Clintons had left town. There are pieces of this puzzle that just do not fit.

  8. Follow the money. All guards should be carefully scrutinized.

    Their financial transactions especially. Look at accounts held by their in-laws and their 1st, 2d, and 3d degree relatives.

  9. The link doesn't work, Chris!

  10. I'm sorry. I guess Scarbohydrate pulled the tweet. Maybe he's got some sense of embarrassment and humiliation after all.
