Monday, September 30, 2019


Maybe.  But since this is the Organization of Sweden, I'm not sure I'd bet that way.
The [Organization] of Sweden, with Lutheran roots, affirmed through the social media “Twitter” that Thunberg and her discourse is the most similar image of Christ nowadays.
This statement created a controversy on social media and among believers. Many followers of Christ disliked these words. They assumed that calling Thunberg “The successor of Christ” can initiate Blasphemy [Gee.  Ya think? - Ed].
The Limhamns Kyrka Curch wrote on Twitter: “Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth named one of his successors, Greta Thunberg."
Text edited slightly.
The truly sad thing about this is that lots and lots of Christians are going to pronounce themselves shocked by that statement.  But since 2003, the year the Episcopal Organization officially went Scripture-optional, I've attempted to follow the misadventures of all sorts of pseudo-Christian entities, not just the Episcopalians, and blithering idiocy like this is pretty much par for the course as far as Scandinavian "Christianity" is concerned.


  1. Jesus as an environmentalist wacko. Not quite what I read in Scripture.

  2. My sense of it is that clergymen today are notable not for thought but for attitudes, and their attitudes are similar to those you find in the social work 'profession' and among randomly selected NGO executives. They just like to play dress up, to speak in a different idiom, and to avoid on-site supervision. You don't meet many nowadays who are serious people.

  3. Episcopalians and other pseudo-Christian bodies like them are Christians in much the same way that Shriners are Muslims. TEO's use of professional jargon like "God," "Jesus Christ," "Holy Spirit" and others, the fact that they read from the Bible now and then and have crosses in their buildings is the equivalent of Shriners wearing fezzes and carrying around fake scimitars.

    You're quite right, Art. They're all just playing at it now.

  4. If you look at the history of the Church of England, you find that the clergy held benefices that were largely occupied by younger sons of gentry that could not otherwise find employment. It was only a matter of time before the whole system came to a bad end.

    Or, as we Virginians would say - one attended The Highschool (Episcopal High), then The University (UVa), then onto a job with The Church (Episcopal) eventually to wind up in The Gutter.
