Thursday, October 31, 2019


Upscale liberal edition.

I live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country, but on one of the more “modest” streets—mostly doctors and lawyers and family business owners. (A few blocks away are billionaires, families with famous last names, media moguls, etc.) I have noticed that on Halloween, what seems like 75 percent of the trick-or-treaters are clearly not from this neighborhood. Kids arrive in overflowing cars from less fortunate areas. I feel this is inappropriate. Halloween isn’t a social service or a charity in which I have to buy candy for less fortunate children. Obviously this makes me feel like a terrible person, because what’s the big deal about making less fortunate kids happy on a holiday? But it just bugs me, because we already pay more than enough taxes toward actual social services. Should Halloween be a neighborhood activity, or is it legitimately a free-for-all in which people hunt down the best candy grounds for their kids?


  1. Oh, the nerve of those poor people, going into neighborhoods where they don't belong! The horror! (Although I do miss the days when Halloween was a neighborhood event for children only.)

  2. Have wished for a long time that secular Halloween would just go away, even for kids. But maybe the irate elite could draw a little clue from this that the invasion on our southern border is in fact an invasion... except for the ones who know it, pretend not to, and facilitate it. Still, a few more muggings by reality could only help...
