Friday, October 18, 2019


I guess this is going to be the "legitimate" Democrat Party line through next year.  I also guess that my "restart the House Un-American Activities Committee" crack is looking less and less like a joke and more and more like a prophecy. 


  1. Have you looked at this Susan Hennessey's background? I had the impression that Brookings was a high class policy shop that only hired wonks. This dame's a lawyer (i.e. innumerate) and a political hack to boot. Policy shops often hire publicists who disseminate research product rather than producing it. I thought Brookings was above all that.

  2. I disagree with Gabbard on many issues, but I wouldn't call her "vile," as this woman does. The left is eating its own.

  3. Of course, she's on retainer at CNN. This is some of her 'research product'.

    Memo to the next director of Brookings: There's money lying on the table you can free up to hire a real policy maven.

  4. How much longer can Tulsi Gabbard remain a Democrat? It is not she that is "vile,"but her Democrat adversaries. I think the GOP would welcome her.

  5. I don't know, Myrmidon. She's been kind of all over the place, politically, so if she came over, I'm not sure she wouldn't end up as the female Mitt. If she wants to keep at this stuff, a third party run might make the most sense.

  6. As for Hennessey, I don't know if she's related but I'll give her credit for the cognac. DAMN fine cup of brandy, that. :-)

  7. I don't where Democrats who aren't down-the-line radical leftists are going to go. The sensible wing of the party is gone, and Gabbard is eclectic in her views.
