Thursday, October 24, 2019


If anyone's ever curious about what the term "snowflake" means, refer them here.


  1. Please. I remember two weeks after Obama the Messiah was elected, these people were back to their miserable selves after the booze wore off. It's as if they thought by casting a ballot, the earth would open up and swallow anyone slightly to the right of NPR like the orcs at the end of Return of the King. But we continued to exist and while disappointed for few days, we went back to being happy, well-adjusted adults which is apparently offensive. It's hard to feel sorry for worshippers of false gods.

  2. That's pretty much it, isn't it, Scott? I guess I should feel compassion for these people or something but I don't.

    At all.

    Sometimes, your side loses elections. That's how life works. Either come to grips with it or get the hell off the stage and stop bothering serious people.

  3. This is ironic, since it will be decades, possibly, before we fully understand the negative effects of Obama, Holding, and Lynch on race relations in our country. What a lost opportunity!

    On the other hand, maybe the abject failures of Obama, et al., will finally open people's eyes. My husband has been wearing the MAGA hat I gave him around the neighborhood. We learned that a strong supporter of our country and of Trump is one of our black neighbors, whose sons are in the National Guard and about to deploy. May God protect them.
