Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Looks like I have to go over this again and I'm getting really tired of it.  Well, once more from the top (and dear Lord, I hope that Mr. and Mrs. French are reading this).

From the foundations of this country until the present day, every single person who has either won the office of president of the United States or who has tried to win it is exactly the same.  Man, woman, Republican, Democrat, it doesn't matter. 

They're all sinners.




The president of the United States, whoever he/she happens to be, is this country's first civil servant, most emphatically NOT this country's presiding bishop.  Whenever he/she decides that he/she should be the latter is when the United States runs into serious problems.

See Obama, Barack.

UPDATE: Close but no cigar.


  1. Well, it would be agreeable if our politicians were men of the calibre of Eisenhower and Stevenson. They aren't, and we have to navigate that. All French does is recycle Democratic talking points and strike inane poses.

  2. This is just the "deplorables" talk except from the Right. Yeah, keep going with that; worked out great for Grandma Abortion Witch.
