Monday, October 7, 2019


But you have to give Jimmy Carter this much.  The old boy's as tough as they come.  Has to be farm life.  My paternal grandmother grew up on one and lived to be 93, as mentally sharp at the end of her life as she had ever been during it.  If Jimmy had grown up in Atlanta, he would have been dead a long time ago.


  1. All three of his siblings died between 1982 and 1991. The one with the longest lifespan lived to be 63.

    Harry Truman (1/2 farm-bred, 1/2 in-town bourgeois): 88
    Bess Truman (in town bourgeois): 97
    Dwight Eisenhower (farm-bred): 79
    Mamie Eisenhower (well-to-do bourgeois): 82
    Jacqueline Kennedy (suburban wealthy): 64
    Lyndon Johnson (ranch-bred): 64
    Lady Bird Johnson (wealthy, farming and business): 94
    Richard Nixon (1/3 truck-farm bred; 2/3 in-town bourgeois): 81
    Pat Nixon (truck farm bred): 81
    Gerald Ford (small-city bourgeois): 93
    Betty Ford (small-city bourgeois): 93
    Ronald Reagan (in town just-under-the-envelope bourgeois): 93
    Nancy Reagan (1/2 petit bourgoeis; 1/2 haut bourgois, DC and Chicago): 94
    George Bush the Elder (exurban wealthy): 94
    Barbara Bush (exurban haut bourgeois / wealthy): 92

  2. Point taken. I guess there's no telling.

  3. Still, I'd rather grow up on a farm than in a city. The thunderstorms would kick ass, for one thing. :-)

  4. Excuse me!?!?!?!

    History's greatest monster!?!?!?

    Please get real, will you? Compared to whom? Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Genghis Khan?

    Have you taken leave of your senses?

    Like Carter or not, this ineffectual President is nobody's idea of a "monster."

    This is a prime example of reckless and irresponsible rhetoric. Such comments say much more about you than about Carter or anyone else. If you cannot do better than this, you should shut down this blog and go home! Seriously!

  5. Michael? That line came from The Simpsons and has always been a joke. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.

  6. There is was, a-thinkin' someone was sure to take offense at that and sure enough.

  7. Additionally, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter now hold the record for longest married First Couple (73 years, 3 months, 11 days and still counting). George HW Bush and Barbara were the previous record holders.
