Thursday, October 31, 2019


You misspelled "I was stupid enough to let myself get filmed doing this crap."  Also, you forgot the part about you banging your staff.


  1. Sorry, Katie. Not misogyny, although I grant the complaint about revenge porn being shared nationwide. If she hadn't engaged in the activities, there would be no pictures, and she wouldn't be forced to resign. Behavior has consequences, sometimes.

  2. Second that. I can muster some sympathy for some objects of revenge porn, as I am pretty much a privacy hawk. (Tho I will never understand why people who willingly submit to being filmed do so. Video from a dinner table is often gross enough, LOL, though I am quite fond of eating. It's the old butterfly on a pin as opposed to the living, flying butterfly thing.) But a public figure, and one engaging in exploitation, is just stupid at best.

  3. Sybil, if the revenge porn were photos she didn't know were being taken, I'd be a whole lot more sympathetic. But she POSED for these photos of her own free will, while engaging in conduct she knew to be, or should have known to be, unethical. Even without those conditions, I simply don't understand why people use their phones to take these intimate photos. Goodness.
