Wednesday, October 9, 2019


My Cardinals are in the baseball playoffs.  Normally, I'd be excited but right now, I'd actually prefer to see somebody send mah Birds home well before they get a sniff at Number Twelve.  I have to figure that two world titles in this town in the same year has got to be the signal for the New Madrid Fault (currently overdue) to cut loose and where I live to end up under water.

And I can't afford to move.


  1. Congrats to the Cards. 13-1, in Atlanta!

    As to New Madrid, nah. It will be the Yellowstone caldera, or a Krakatoa rerun.

  2. Either way, I'm screwed. If Yellowstone goes, I guess I'll be coughing up ash, at the very least. Oh well, I'm ready to go.

  3. AND they'll play the Nationals, not the Braves. Amazing post-season this year.

  4. We'll pass your concerns on to the Nationals

  5. Only objection I'd have to the Nats taking down this pot is that they never did it when they were in Munch-ree-awl and they owed those folks. Too much bad ball for way too long. MLB ought to put another team in that town.

    Apart from that, do it to it. Until I can move to western Kansas, I'm going to need to last at least another year. :-)

  6. Too bad Charles Krauthammer isn't here to see this series.

  7. Yup. He'd be on cloud nine. If he isn't already. ;-)
