Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I'll make a deal with you, Stengel.  I'll agree to this only if you can tell me EXACTLY what so-called "hate speech" is.

Everybody knows what rape, murder and arson, things like that, are.  Burglary, theft, fraud too, for that matter and on down the line. 

But what's "hate speech?"

Speech that pisses somebody off?  Speech that makes someone declare himself "frightened" or "threatened?"  Speech that "offends" some candy-ass somewhere?

I'm not giving up my rights that easily, Stengel.  If you claim to be "offended" by what I write, don't read what I write.  Anything other than that is authoritarian censorship, Stengel.

The "law" or the "government" taking it upon itself to decide what is or is not acceptable speech.

And that's all it is.

Don't start none, won't get none.


  1. Think the "hate speech" train left the station right after enough people bought into the dangerous notion of "hate crimes"-- when the law already allowed for malice to be taken into account, no less. You can bet "hate thoughts" are next, and not have to wonder *who* gets to define what constitutes hate speech or thoughts.

  2. The disreputable Mr. Sailer's commenters made sport of this man. He was editor of Time during its implosion, and is addled that people like him are no longer gatekeepers.
