Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Archbishop Ussher was right.  Pass it on.

“Our argument will be that space is not real. It’s not real. Science, technology, it’s all fake. It’s a projection of white fantasies that has worked to control our interpretation of how the world works.” That’s the statement of a college debate professor talking with his class. He added, “None of us have had the privilege of going to f**king space to verify that there’s these stars and these galaxies and these planets.”

So let's toss in a little out-and-out racism while we're at it.

“Imagine someone who grew up inner-city, Kansas City for instance, who never left a 20-block radius,” the professor suggested. He continued, “They can’t even fathom that there’s mountains in the world let alone that there’s something outside of that…And so structural inequity, to some degree, because of our lack of privilege in terms of mobility determines what we can understand to be real and falsifiable.

CUZZZZZ folks in "inner-city, Kansas City for instance" are too stupid to learn about mountains, too dense to understand, "Get in your car and drive to Denver."  Yeah, run with that one.

“Whiteness then works and then appropriates science and technology to say ‘This is true while this is not true because it’s not verifiable.’…It’s a hyperfocus on the experiential for those who does not capitulate with whiteness.”

FYI, this "the moon shot was staged and everybody knows it, wake the hell up" conspiracy theorist "teaches" at Weber State in Utah in case you need yet another reason to talk your kids out of attending American colleges.


  1. The professor in question, Ryan Wash, apparently won 2 national debating contests in 2013, by screaming and ranting that the debate rules were unfair because they required him to stick to the topic at hand, rather than ranting about being black and queer.

  2. Insanity is spreading. I have a (white) family member who insists that the earth is flat, or at least he says he believes it, and sends endless YouTube links to "prove" it. Professors like this do great harm to black students who want to learn and do well as adults.
