Friday, October 18, 2019


It's good when seniors keep active.  Gam-Gam picks up a fun new hobby.

UPDATE: Rep. Gabbard responds.

UPDATE: The Bee's in.

UPDATE: And did you know Trump is a monarchist?

"But more than that, there is this bizarre adulation Trump has for dictators and authoritarians. He dreams of being able to order people to do things and make them do it," she said. She continued, "He has no democratic instincts, really. And I saw that when I was Secretary of State and traveled to 112 countries. One of our big problems were people who got themselves elected and then became authoritarian and then did everything they could to rig elections, everything they could to make sure that they were never forced out of power.

"That is his game plan. That is what he's trying to achieve. And it's terrifying to me because scholars, like professor Timothy Snyder who wrote that great little book on tyranny, they've told us what the game plan is. But I still think people have a hard time believing that, David. It's like 'Really? Oh, come on…'"

Nanner McBotox to reboot the House Un-American Activities Committee in 5, 4, 3, 2...  And if you're betting on how long it takes NeverTrumpistan in all its manifestations to loudly and unanimously declare that the best idea any American politician ever had, take the under.

UPDATE: Demented old woman has episode.  Family and friends close ranks.

UPDATE: Whoa.  Never saw this coming.

UPDATE: Ballgame. Thanks for playing.  If you can read the following and still claim not to understand Why You Got Trump, then I don't think I or anyone else can ever help you.

Insofar as you already know damned good and well Why You Got Trump.

UPDATE: Raise your hand if you're surprised (my hand's not up).  Egg?  Stop pretending that you still matter or that anybody anywhere gives a crap what you think about anything.  Damn.  Looks like my House Un-American Activities Committee joke might actually not be.

UPDATE: Relax.  The World's Foremost Authority has weighed in.


  1. She's not going to grow up. This kind of festering bitterness doesn't get better except by the grace of God, and there's no evidence she wants that. Send her more cases of chardonnay; it's her only escape from reality.

  2. I look at it this way .... If at long last we are to have our first ever female president then I think that she should be someone that you would want to crawl into bed with. That ain't Hillary Clinton. And that certainly ain't Elizabeth Warren.

    Go Tulsi!!

  3. Nikki Haley's has to be in that mix. Plus, she's got the whole Carolina/Palmetto Flag thing working.

    The fact that this raving lunatic Hillary Clinton LOST TO DONALD J. TRUMP is the greatest bullet dodge in the history of this country. And I think that in a small way, Ms. Gabbard kind of understands why DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. And that's why Hillary hates her with the passion she does.

    It gets down to this. You want to be president of the United States? Rule number one. Don't be an idiot. And these days, no Democrat, man or woman, can manage that extremely simple necessity.

  4. Why is trash-mouthing the electorate bad politics? Consider:

    In late October 1884 Republican candidate James G. Blaine seemed all but certain to win the presidency. With the election only one week away, he was campaigning in New York City, wooing the vital Irish Catholic vote to secure New York State and its many electoral votes. Everything was going his way until a Presbyterian minister named Rev. Samuel Burchard, speaking at a pro-Blaine event that evening, denounced the Democrats as the party of “rum, Romanism, and rebellion.” When Democratic newspapers across the country ran the phrase as a banner headline the next day, Blaine’s campaign suffered a mortal would from which it could not recover.

    Some people never learn.

  5. One of the disreputable Mr. Sailer's nutty votaries suggested that Evan McMullin was actually a CIA plant whose only object was to deny Trump Utah's electoral votes. What's happened in the last three years leads me to believe the Sailer nutter nailed it this time.
