Friday, October 25, 2019


In an amazing turn of events, payback has been determined to be synonymous with a five-letter word that begins with B and ends with H.

East-Coast newspaper hardest hit.


  1. Well, it's a good thing you're not using that word here in Massachusetts. A local lawmaker wants to make it illegal to use the "b" word and fine you either $150 or $200, or send you to jail for up to six months.

  2. Wow, you really have to check out the Twitter hashtag #wapoobits... they've got some hilarious riffs on the WaPo describing Al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar"....

    "former Marine Lee Harvey Oswald," "experimental chef Jeffrey Dahmer," "artist and vegan activist Adolf Hitler," "charismatic actor John Wilkes Booth," etc.

  3. Hello, all-- I didn't realize the site was up and going again (stopped checking back after awhile and was not fit for human consumption anyway, as my husband had died very suddenly of a complication after more repair surgery in the wake of the PC radiation damage) (and be warned FTR, for if someone you love goes like that, that movie depictions of attempted resucitiations in ICU don't even come close to how awful it is, though no way would I change having stayed in the room). Anyway, hello all and I have really missed you...…"Austere religious scholar" is going to embarrass that disgusting rag for a very long time. Engage cornpoppers!

  4. Hi Sybil,
    Sorry about your husband. Condolences. Glad to see you and your wisdom are still with us.

  5. Hi, Sybil. Deepest condolences on your loss. I have wondered about you. Glad you found the site.

  6. Thanks guys...coming up on 3 years (Jan. 7), things are easier than before tho that's a pretty low bar LOL so I much appreciate your condolences. I do think (hope) I'm done breaking bones doing stupid new widow things. (And Dale if you recall seconding what he had, to my frustration, said WRT me trying to use the chainsaws, I have tho tempted continued to abide by his and your wisdom!) Gosh it's good to see these names again, and as we come to All Saints no less 8)

  7. Sybil, we've got a female neighbor who was suddenly left with a big house and yard to take care of sixteen or seventeen years ago. Unlike you, she's not a widow; the creep up and left her. She's very independent, strong for a woman, and handy with tools. However, over the years she's been willing to ask my husband for advice or for help when a back stronger than hers has been needed. She doesn't overdo it, and we've been happy to help now and then. Do consider, please, respecting your natural limitations and finding nice people to give you a hand sometimes.

  8. Thanks for the concern, Katherine. Mostly, overdoing etc happened when I wanted to work very hard so as to make it a little easier to get to sleep at night. My nearby neighbors have been wonderful. But the problem has always been there and always will be, so a reminder is a kindness!

  9. Good to see you again, Syb. REALLY sorry to hear about your husband.

  10. Off topic: someone needs to alert Donald McClarey and Tito Edwards that both Firefox and IE have been sending up security notices when you try to call up The American Catholic. I've never been in contact with them via e-mail...

  11. Art Deco, I just used Safari to go to the site. Tito Edwards' biography shows the following email address: tito[dot]benedictus[at]gmail[dot]com

    Try sending him an email. There was no email listed for McClarey.

  12. Thanks Chris. So glad you are back!
