Friday, October 4, 2019


Trump's got this much going for him.  Alexandria OhMyGod-CompleteMoron is easily distracted.

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday said she is “over” trying to impeach President Donald Trump, adding it should have been done a long time ago.

“I think the whole thing is SO BORRRRRING, OHMYGAWD,” Ocasio-Cortez said at a Queens Library event. “He should have been impeached a long time ago. I am, like, totally over it. And so that’s how I feel about it because we’ve got work to do,” The Washington Examiner reported.

There's a chance I might have fiddled with the text a little.


  1. If AOC isn't all in on impeachment, then why is Pelosi even bothering?

  2. Was this the same event where the deranged woman got up and started shrieking about eating the babies?

  3. That was funny, TLM. Apparently it was a stunt by some group, speculated to be LaRouche.

  4. Tell you what. I wouldn't want to be Allie when Nanner McBotox gets wind of this. "I put my political ass on the line for you and you're bored? BORED??"

  5. Katherine, Unless the "a stunt by some group, speculated to be LaRouche" has been clearly identified as a conservative or Republican group of some provenance, not just some group "thought to be" LaRouche, then I strongly suspect this is a double hoax. I saw the video of the library meeting a couple of days ago, and my thoughts were: 1. Why are none of the other attendees shouting this woman down, or telling her to shut up? 2. Why doesn't AOC seem to have control over this meeting? She just lets the woman rant & rant. 3. Where was Security at this library meeting? Why didn't someone escort this clearly deranged person from the room? 4. Does the fact that everyone just sat there and let this person spout crazy-talk mean that they agree with her, or was the whole video a hoax? As a double hoax, it works quite well to advance the left's narrative that "Trump supporters" are dumber-than-dirt, knuckle-dragging troglodytes.
