Wednesday, October 30, 2019


I was made fun of when I was a kid.  As of today, I'm 64 but I can still remember how much it hurt and hurt in the worst way possible.  They don't like you, they're not your friends and they never will be.  And if they ever started being nice to you, you emotionally kept them at arm's length.

When are they going to hurt me again?

So you started keeping everybody at arm's length.

But during all those years, I don't remember, hell, I couldn't have CONCEIVED of any kid my age ever doing something as horrible as this.

Diego Stolz was a skinny 13-year-old boy attending Landmark Middle School in Moreno Valley, California. Last month, he was sucker-punched by a couple of classmates on school grounds. He fell and hit his head on a concrete pillar and never regained consciousness. Nine days later the hospital removed him from life support. At a press conference earlier today, attorney Dave Ring announced the family was filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the school.


When I wrote about Diego last month, I assumed this was a case of bullying which no one at the school could have predicted or prevented. That was tragic enough. But according to Dave Ring, the story is much, much worse than that. Not only did the school know about the bullying, they had specifically promised to do something about it just days before the attack.

I prefer to run a clean site so let me apologize in advance for all the F-bombs that I so desperately want to drop right now.

“This school knew that Diego was targeted to be beat[en] up,” Ring said. He continued, “They were told by three different people days before this happened. They were told by a teacher. They were told by Diego’s adult sister, Jasmine, and they were told by Diego himself. And they allowed this to happen. That’s what’s unbelievably devastating to this family, that this could have been prevented.”

See?  That's what running one of these things can do to you.

Ring said that Diego had been bullied by these same boys the previous year. His mother (who is actually his aunt, because his mother and father had both died) went to the school when he was in 7th grade to talk to someone about the bullying. As Diego began his 8th-grade year, the bullying started up again.

Momma and Daddy dead.  Bullied in school.  School didn't give a crap.  Good God.

“On Thursday, September 12th, Diego was accosted by these boys and a teacher learned about it,” Ring said. He added, “And the teacher saw how upset Diego was and the teacher went and told an assistant principal that something was going on, that they needed to pull the security footage, and that they needed to do something because this kid was being physically confronted. And the administration didn’t do anything that day.

There's a shock.

“The next day, Friday, September 13th, Jasmine, Diego’s adult sister, brings Diego into the school first thing in the morning and meets with this same assistant principal. And Diego goes back with the assistant principal for 20 or more minutes and tells her what was going on.  And the assistant principal comes out and tells Jasmine, the adult sister, ‘We’re going to take care of this. We’re going to change the classes of these bullies and we’re going to suspend them.’

Lying bitch.

And she said ‘I want Diego to go home…I don’t want him to come to school today. I want him to go home and relax and he can come back Monday and there’ll be a fresh start.’

Monday is when the poor little guy was murdered.

Here's what I want to see happen. 

I want to see this "school" closed down and turned into a theme bar or something.  I want the officials at this waste of perfectly good land sued into having to spend the rest of their miserable lives working McDonald's drive-through windows because those are the only jobs they can find.

I want the parents of these two pieces of crap to be sued out of their homes and everything else they own.  And I want these two little pieces of crap to have to explain their felony convictions for the rest of their miserable lives.

And LORD?  You may remember that I said a while back that when I was a kid, I couldn't have conceived of something like this ever happening. Things are getting worse and worse and worse here, Father, so You can't bring all this to a close fast enough.

Sorry.  This one's personal.

*Sweet Meteor of Death


  1. I suffered the same way you did, Chris. It took me years to be able to relax around people and be able to make friends.

    And while the school administration does need to pay, the murderers also need to be locked up. That is the first priority.

  2. I hear you. I'm still getting over it. But I don't care if they lock these kids up. Considering their ages, I doubt they will, at least not that long. I just want them to have to go into a job interview in their 20's, 30's or 40's and have to explain away a felony conviction, whatever they're convicted of. Might be the only thing that brings them to genuine repentance.

  3. And at the macro level, I want to see the federal Department of "Education" disbanded and meanwhile as many parents as possibly can to private or home school their kids. It is destroying their souls even when it does not destroy their lives. The word *obscene* doesn't even come close.

  4. I had a disagreeable exchange some years ago with a retired school psychologist who used to write for Inside Higher Education, one Susan O'Doherty, PsyD. She writes a column whimpering about her experiences working in a slum school. It's pointed out to her that slum schools are lousy places because they are populated with incorrigibles, you need to sequester trouble makers, turn them over to the sheriff's department, and do the best you can to stuff remedial schooling into them while they're in day-detention centers run by jail guards with an attitude. For the slum kids who can sit still and do as they're told, you can have a normal school. Well, she says, how could I do such a thing? They're disadvantaged, and I was just trying not to make they're lives worse. We have lousy schools because they are run by the Susan O'Dohertys of this world, who accomplish nothing because their priority is always their feelings. You have these smarmy jerks all up and down school bureaucracies, and when they're not getting in the way, you have legal counsel telling you you can't do this or that because of some court decision issued at the behest of a jack-wagon in robes in a legal pantomime initiated by our foul 'public interest' lawfare outfits. In a seriously ordered school, these youths would have been collared by a security guard the 1st time and told by the dean of students or the principal that it's three strikes, and the third strike the sheriff's deputy here turn you over to his colleagues at Detention Center C. All day, every day. If there is some other district in the county that will give you another chance, maybe you get to attend a normal school again.

    That having been said, we hear about an aunt and we hear about an adult sister. You notice who is not present. Not sure if it was a solution here, but someone needed to teach this youth how to fight. When seconds count, the authorities are minutes away.
