Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Brit Hume if you need him.


  1. Bloomberg's got lots of money, but I wonder if it will do him any more good than Tom Steyer's is doing for him. What is Bloomberg's attraction outside of New York City? He's already apologized for reducing crime, but not for trying to keep constituents from buying large sodas.

  2. Speaking of Steyer, I saw his ad when watching a conservative YouTube channel. (Dr. Steve Turley if anyone is interested). I guess that's how social media is going to roll now: they won't ban people, they'll just make sure anything slightly to the right of NPR is "balanced" with alternatives whether the user wants it or not.

    Anyway, funny thing in that Steyer ad. He talks about corrupt people "covering for Trump". One of the people pictured is that female Senator (Collins? I cant recall) that called out the case against Kavanaugh as the garbage it was. That's covering for Trump apparently. The odd thing is is that I thought Steyer was running as somewhat left-of-center, but this inclusion of the senator is pretty much saying you stand with the abortion moonbats.

  3. I never thought of Steyer as "moderately" left. He gives the impression of being hard-left, as much as I know about him, which isn't a great deal. His ads, I am told, are about climate change, and Bloomberg's ads start with the terrible threat of climate change, too. How they think that will attract independents in large numbers is anyone's guess.

  4. "How they think that will attract independents in large numbers is anyone's guess"

    Good point. I know a number of people who didn't vote Trump but, after seeing all the anti-Trump absurdity, now intend to crawl through broken glass to vote for him.

  5. Scott W.

    Not to mention the #WalkAway movement!
