Monday, November 25, 2019


Vladimir Illyich Sanders lets the Communist out of the bag.


  1. The irony in this is taxing everyone is the only way to pay for something like Medicare for All. Ask most Europeans. When I first entered the work force, my Fed Tax was not insignificant even as an hourly laborer. Personally, I think that if you want something, you should pay for it. If you can't afford it, you don't get it. Therefore, if the proletariat really do want Medicare for All, they can damn well pay for it.

    Thinking that only the rich need pay is ridiculous. They can & do pay lawyers & CPAs ridiculous sums to avoid paying so much for everyone else. I am talking to you, Lizzie. And, not one of the plans you have for that can begin to keep up with a smart guy or gal willing to game the tax code.

  2. At least Sanders is being honest here. It would cost everyone more and deliver less.
