Thursday, November 14, 2019


Somebody dust off Gam-Gam's walker.  She's seriously considering another bite at the cherry.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has refused to rule out adding herself to the crowded field in the Democrat primary race.

On a tour promoting a book she co-wrote with her daughter Chelsea, called The Book of Gutsy Women, the former New York senator was repeatedly pressed by BBC radio presenter Emma Barnett about whether she would repeat her 2016 run.

Initially replying "no," the former first lady then said: "I never say never to anything."

Could she make it?  I wouldn't bet that way.  With Cigar Store and Bernie in the field, the Democrats have tacked so far Communist that it's hard to see how Gam-Gam could plausibly maneuver herself into the nomination at all, never mind defeat THE GUY SHE LOST TO LAST TIME, DONALD J. TRUMP.


  1. Since she's already missed the New Hampshire primary registration deadline, and will miss more, it would have to be a contested convention. Wouldn't that be fun to watch!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. More delusion amongst the Democrats is a good thing just now.

  4. She is never going to go away. Ever. I first said that in AD 2001 and it only become mores true, the more absurdly she refuses to do so. Neither, it seems, will Jon Huntsman, and, I suspect, John Kasich, though much as they grate on me it's not a patch on Jaws.

  5. …though it's Schiff who has the eyes, almost as much as Koskinen had the grin

  6. She's trolling you. She's 72 years old. You could tell from the last campaign that her health is impaired, perhaps because of undisclosed Parkinson's or perhaps for some other reason. The last time someone entered less than a year before the general election and managed to run a competitive campaign was in 1976 and the last time such a late entrant actually won was in 1968, under a different set of delegate-selection rules. She has no organization to speak of right now and Warren, Biden, and Buttigieg are now occupying different swatches of her territory.

    NB, lifespans in the Rodham, Howell, and Murray families have been all over the map, between 45 and 93 years with examples from the whole range of values. Her younger brother died a few months ago. I think she may be past the median of the set already.
