Friday, November 22, 2019


Pete?  Ecclesiastes 3:7 informs us that there is a time to keep silence and a time to speak.  You're an Episcopalian so your working knowledge of the Christian religion is negligible to non-existent.  Guess which time this is.

While talking about systemic racism and his challenge connecting with black voters, Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

As a mayor who has seen the consequences of systemic racism on my neighbors, as a person whose faith teaches me to stand with the marginalized, and as someone whose rights have been expanded by people who are like me and not like me, I'm determined to get this right.

Christ died on the cross for the "useful," did He?  Kind of makes what He told the thief on the cross next to His that that thief, who had probably never been "useful" to anyone and who had never considered such matters prior to that moment, would be with Our Lord in paradise that day a little hard to understand.

But you do you.


  1. Will this put a cap on his recent rise in the polls? Or are there no Christians in the Democratic Party anymore?

  2. Pete is running as the perfect modern Episcopalian. He makes being gay the major point of his candidacy. He despises people who don't buy his brand of theology. He thinks that "good works" will buy him salvation, as long as those "good works" are consistent with his brand.

  3. ur? That would seem to be a no.

  4. We have come a long way since the anchors to a blue-collar worker's world were the Catholic Church, the Union, and the Democratic Party.

  5. The late Joseph Nicolosi once said that one thing his clients had in common was that each one of them was continually playing somebody else.

  6. His faith is "Episcopalianism" which admits it has no fixed core doctrine (the Righter trial opinion). Christians should not be fooled by the smells and bells crowd that follows 815, and should not be sucked by Mayor Pete into that mud swamp.

  7. He's the only child of a pair of academics who were middle-aged when he was born. His father was from Malta, an intensely Catholic country, but was a votary of an Italian red named Antonio Gramsci. He may have had some sort of religious education, but I wouldn't bet a shilling on the proposition.

    I see the editors at Wikipedia are back-peddling on claims that he speaks seven languages (and attributing the back-peddling to Mayor Pete himself). The question about Mayor Pete is whether he can exceed Cory Booker in the number and salience of his biographical fictions and do a better job of exemplifying the stooge media's absence of due diligence. (The New Jersey media's never bothered to suss out Booker's actual home address).

    The butt-buddy comes off as a smarmy character.

    I'll wager this guy gets the tech and casino banking money which cannot abide Liawatha and Bernie. He'll look better and better as Hunter's dopey septuageniarian dad gets more and more lost in his various and sundry bloviations. (Remember Keith Ablow saying seven years ago that if a patient had come into his office babbling the way Biden did while debating Paul Ryan, he'd do a dememtia workup?).
