Sunday, November 3, 2019


Although this is extremely rare, I've had it twice.  The second time, the pain was so intense and so damned-near impossible to avoid that I literally thought that I was going to go insane.

Let me pass sentence and the bitch gets five years, no parole, no early release. 



  1. What a monstrous thing to do. If this can be proved, she should be charged with some crime.

    I had a case of what I think was shingles. It was painful, but not of long duration. However, it triggered an immune system downward spiral in which, for several years, I couldn't eat red tomatoes or red grapes or anything made from these things. It gave me eczema. I got the two doses of the new shingles shot just to be sure it doesn't come back. A friend at church had not only shingles pain, but serious trouble around one eye. It was terrible.

  2. I had it in my 20s! And to this day it is pretty much the most physically painful experience of my life. This witch should be charged with attempted aggravated assault.

  3. The problem is, Chris, once you have the varicella-zoster virus in your system. it never truly goes away. It's a herpes variant. Zostavax and Shingrix are vaccines that will probably prevent another outbreak.

  4. I was in my late teens when I had my first bout. Walk in the park compared to my second one, somewhere in my 50's. I know the virus never leaves you which is why this broad should do hard time if she's convicted.

  5. Chris, Get the Shingrix vaccine, especially if you can get it low-cost at Walgreen's or at a clinic. Even though you have the virus, the vaccine can prevent an outbreak or make a future outbreak far less severe.

    The anti-vaxxers are truly nutty people.

  6. Second what TLM said. The new shot, Shingrix, which is a two-dose series, is about 90% effective, and since shingles can recur, it's worth getting. I know several people who've been knocked flat by the shots, but still, shingles is so awful that the reaction is better than the disease.

  7. @TLM

    CDC: Polio was declared eradicated in the Western Hemisphere in 1994.

    Anti-Vaxxer: Hold my beer.
