Sunday, November 17, 2019


As long as they employ this hippopotamus turd, I have two words for any parents with children anywhere in the Willis Independent School District in Texas (near Houston, I think).  One of those words is "home" and the other one is "school."

Anthony Lane, an English teacher at Willis High School who has vocally defended the school’s decision to bring in an adult male entertainer who performs at strip clubs to spend a day with the children, lashed out on Facebook at parents who have complained:

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community and that parents should not have the final say,” said Lane. “Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids.”

“Parents believe they should be able to storm the school in the name of political and religious beliefs if something happens in the school that they are morally opposed to. They forget that we make a promise to prepare their children to live in a diverse world. We are not required to protect the misguided, bigoted views of their parents.”


  1. Serious question: is there some kind of teachers' oath now, in some districts (which would be bad enough, given who would draw it up) if not nationally? (You all know me: the Department of Education can't be disbanded soon enough.)

  2. There's just so much wrong with what this guy said, that's it's hard to know where to begin.

  3. An English teacher? What possible educational purpose can a male stripper bring to a high school? I'm afraid of what the answer to that is. I may be donating towards sending my grandchild to a private school soon.

  4. The school is run by mediocre, unserious people who are interested in injuring public sensibilities for their own aggrandizement. They look down on others consequent to an inflated sense of their own value. What's distressing is that this is happening in Texas. The principal and the offending teachers need to be given their walking papers. I doubt anything will happen. It seems nearly everywhere that school boards represent the permanent government to the populace, not the other way around.
