Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The following is why "American journalism" has become a sick joke.

Following Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd grilling Republican Senator Rand Paul and tossing softballs to Democratic Congressman Jim Himes on Sunday, regarding impeachment, the political panel admitted that House Democrats had an uphill battle in upcoming public hearings. The worried journalists urged liberal lawmakers to “dramatize” those hearings as much as possible and hoped some of the witnesses would cry or become “emotional.”

“I think in those two segments, with Rand Paul and Jim Himes, we had a good snapshot of how difficult this is going to be for the – for the Democrats to convince the country that this is extraordinary behavior that disqualifies the President from office,” The Washington Post’s David Ignatius admitted. He also acknowledged that impeachment effort against President Trump looked “purely partisan.”

You people want this to happen, don't you, Chuck?  You've decided this issue already.  And you can't define a reason for it to happen but I guess you think it should happen anyway because reasons or Orange Man Bad or something.

That was actually Trump's "impeachable offense," wasn't it, Chuck?  Not only did Trump win in 2016, he deprived Hillary of her rightful presidency and to complete the trifecta, he made "American journalism" look like complete idiots in the process.

And you can't stand that, can you, Chuck?  That, by the way, is why terms like "fake news" and "enemies of the people" are resonating, Chuck.  None of us trust you anymore.

At all.


  1. I just finished reading Byron York's summary of Lt. Col. Vindman's testimony last week. He and his attorney were arrogant towards Republican House members questioning them. And the testimony makes it clear that Vindman, et al., think that Trump's offense is setting US policy independent of the "interagency" approach. That is, they think the bureaucracy has the right to direct US foreign policy and the president does not. This is a blatantly unconstitutional and un-American view.
