Friday, November 15, 2019


OutSTANDing job crapping all over whatever's left of your credibility in real time.


  1. She only heard about the tweet because Schiff read it to her. Who's doing the intimidating? Furthermore, as the Daily Caller points out, Obama fired all Bushh-appointed ambassadors out of hand. His prerogative as president, and not an impeachable offense.

  2. Jake might want to read this about Yovanovitch. She was appointed Ambassador to Armenia on the strength on her refusing to call what happened to Armenians in the early 20th century a genocide. In Ukraine, she bad-mouthed Trump to Ukrainian officials and, according to the new Ukrainian president, was a supporter of the old president and did not accept his election well. Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president, period. Further, since she'd been fired, she knows nothing whatever about any of what the Democrats are alleging is impeachable. She wasn't there. Apparently they called her to testify to how hurt she was at being fired.

  3. Chris, seen the bit from Babylon Bee about shutting down airport CNN for 15 minutes for a quarter?

  4. Yup. Man, those people are getting better by the day.
