Friday, November 15, 2019

JEW-BLAMING IN 5, 4, 3, 2...

Rash, Rash, Rash.  A prominent member of the Democratic Party's Anti-Semite Caucus may have been a naughty girl.

The House Committee on Ethics Investigation released large batch of emails as part of its ongoing probe of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) into whether she misused campaign funds to personal purposes.

This past August, the Office of Congressional Ethics voted to open an investigation of Tlaib, saying: “Rep. Tlaib’s campaign committee, Rashida Tlaib for Congress, reported campaign disbursements that may not be legitimate and verifiable campaign expenditures attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes. If Rep. Tlaib converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use, or if Rep. Tlaib’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes, then Rep. Tlaib may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.”

As part of its evidence uncovered during the investigation, the OCE has just released a tranche of documents that depict a financially strapped Tlaib discussing in 2018 with her campaign manager and other officials how her campaign could augment her Congressional salary.


  1. That she's under investigation in this environment is an indication that Palsi Pelosi et al have had it up to their necks with Rancida and the rest of The Squad. This is grapeshot.

  2. A couple of the others might come under scrutiny as well. Ocasio-Cortez, as of last year, may have had her boyfriend on her staff, and Omar has directed large sums from her campaign funds to a fundraiser who is also her adultery partner.

  3. I doubt AOC is debarred from hiring Riley. Members of Congress I'm pretty sure have plenary discretion over who is on their office staff. He was issued a government e-mail account, but I don't think he's been on staff. It's a pity she and Riley aren't building an ordinary life together.

  4. So, Rashida had a staff of ~20 people, some of whom were making upwards of $130,000 per year. Nice job, if you can get it.

    I trust every one of these names will be checked for Social Security #'s and also I'd like to know who the corporate officers of New Solutions Gro... are. It wouldn't surprise me if Rashida was a corporate officer, or if she was getting two checks under two different names.

    Finally, how did she get herself into such poor financial straits in the first place ...and she's now making decisions involving billions of taxpayer dollars?

  5. I think she got herself into trouble by trading in her husband for a bf, both of whom are chary about giving her money.
