Saturday, November 23, 2019


Stand Firm is back up.  Thanks for alerting me, Myrmidon.

RELATED: American Anglicanism remains a sad joke.


  1. Interesting. The site looks very good. I always enjoy reading things by Tim Fountain and may visit for that. I see they don't allow comments.

    Re: Matt Kennedy's "Collaboration" post. He makes good points. He could always re-affiliate with the REC, but Anne couldn't be his co-pastor there. The 1974-1976 radical change was okay with him, but the 2003 thing was too much. Both involved ignoring the created differences between men and women. Same-sex marriage and the current "gender" insanity are logical extensions of this confused thinking. ACNA (apart from the REC) thinks it can be the post-1974 church without becoming the post-2003 church.

  2. Katherine, I don't think Anne acts as the co-pastor at Matt's church. She has a master's in theology, and she blogs about theological issues, but I believe she has chosen not to be ordained.

    Plus, they have 6 kids. That's a full-time job right there.

    1. She was ordained at the conclusion of seminary, but no longer acts as a priest or pastor at Good Shepherd. I assume she and Fr. Matt gradually came to a different understanding about women’s ordination. However she is very involved at the church, on top of home schooling their 6 children.

  3. Thanks for the updates. A few years ago, columns at Stand Firm made it clear that Anne Kennedy did help lead the congregation, including celebrating, or so I thought. What is described now, being very active in teaching and other matters, but not acting as priest, is how I had been hoping that the question of ordained women would trend in ACNA. This seems not to be the case in a number of other ACNA parishes around the country. Still watching and hoping.

  4. I just discovered yesterday that Stand Firm is back up. On a whim, I decided to Google you this morning to see whatever became of your blog. I'm delighted to see that you're back up too! It feels like Homecoming!

    Keep up the good work, and know that this Catholic appreciates you!

  5. Katherine,
    They do allow comments at the Facebook group:

    The FB group pretty much mirrors the blog page, and there's often additional comments or explanation when Matt or Tim respond to questions or comments. Matt Kennedy also posts most of his comments on his personal Facebook page.

  6. One article from the old SF site I wish I could read again was a study of the phenomenon of parish givings temporarily going up when all the other statistics are going down, particularly attendance. It's something I've seen in some pop culture situations, where all the indicators are heading downward, but instead of alarm and retreat, participants react with a sort of hysterical enthusiasm. It's sort of a financial death rattle.

  7. TLM, it's almost, but not quite, enough to make me sign up for Facebook.
