Friday, November 29, 2019


You have a problem, Great Britain.  GIGANTIC one.


  1. Corbyn gave an interview on the BBC which was widely viewed in the UK as absolutely awful. They gave him a hypothetical situation in which he might be called upon to order the killing of an ISIS leader, a situation that was a no-brainer, and he couldn't bring himself to say he'd order the hit. And now today a jihadi knifed two people to death near London Bridge and was shot dead by police because he was wearing what looked like a suicide bomb. (It was a fake.) It may be that the polls showing a huge Labour loss will turn out to be correct.

  2. This is starting (and not only or even primarily due to my crush on Bibi)to get personal. Or rather, more personal. I love freedom and brave people. I despise weaselly little creeps. Grrrrrr.

  3. Keep in mind this man was handed the Labour Party leadership in 2015 by a ballot of Labour Party members. This, in spite of the fact that he'd sat on the back benches of the Commons for 32 years and his colleagues had never trusted him enough to allocate to him any responsibility, in spite of the fact that his employment history prior to being elected to office consisted of time on trade union staffs, and in spite of the fact that his examination performance as a student indicates he's the dopiest individual to have led either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party in the last 80 years (NB, he grew up in a professional class household and both of his brothers are extensively educated and accomplished). He's a mediocrity whose portfolio of attitudes is creepy-vicious. This is who Labour Party members wanted.

  4. At least Mosley could speak intelligently.
